Q:- Why you do not have any Sure-shot type Package like others have ?
Ans :- Traders subscribe any service to earn profit. So, Any one should not tell that Sure-shot tips are associated with higher subscription price.
We do not think Jack pot tips at all exists , If that was the case then we would not hade provided minimum but strict stop loss with each and every trade, For your query we assure that we try our level best to provide best calls with highest accuracy. So, in nutshell all our calls are Sure-shot from our end. We update our Call performance genuinely everyday (without fail all calls)
We urge to say one thing to every trader that do not take any entry with out stop loss even if God tells you in dream to take a position in a speculative instrument.
Q:- Can you show me sample of your advises ?
Ans :- Yes off course
sms 1 (CMP 21200) :- Buy BankNifty f1 @ 21200 to 21160 , stop loss 21150 targets 21400 / closing exit
sms 2 (CMP 21280) :- Take part exit and place stop loss @ 21198.
Sms 3 (CMP 21480 @ 3.25 p.m) :- Close rest bank nifty position now .
And this way we made a profit of 280 bank nifty points.
This is a sample call for any advises / segment you join to trade with us.
Q:- What is your mode of giving calls?
Ans :- We use whats app route for nano second delivery of our advises to our clients .
Q:- How many years of experience you as a team have?
Ans :- As traders we are more than 20 years surviving , and as an advisory firm we are more than 17 years in this cut throat competitive Futures trading world.
Q:- How to get your bank details ?
Ans :- If you made your mind to join us then please call us personally to get our bank account details.
Q :- How to join your service ?
Ans :- It is a simple three step process :- Please make your mind to join us > make payment for the package > Whats app the payment screen shot to 9062023413. Your advises will be activated on next working day from receiving the payment
Q:- How to contact you?
Ans :- Phone Number - 0906202341
Email Id :- playnifty555@gmail.com
Please avoid calling us for free / paid trials. as we update our genuine trade performance report each and every day.
Before calling us please go through the website in detail , e,g what packages we offer , pricing of the package , Performance of the package etc. After seeing all the details then call us personally for your further queries.
Thanks & Regards
Do not worry when you are joining hands with us as India's one of the best day trading advisory.
We are in this industry for more than twenty years now with highest profit consistency.
Our duty is to preserve your capital first then making money by Intraday Trading in some sure moves of Bank Nifty Future or Mcx Instruments or Stock Futures or nifty future or nifty options etc we advise everyday to our clients.
We will give stop loss , which you need to understand first.
Stop loss is a level upto which we are able to run our losses , so act technically , never ever run the stop loss level provided by us.
You may be our Bank Nifty tips , Mcx tips , stock future tips , Nifty tips , Nifty option tips or forex trading tips client , above statement applies to each and every client in our client portfolio.
For high volatile instruments like Bank Nifty Future , Mcx Silver , Mcx Gold , Mcx crude keep some room at stop loss level.
For example we prefer 5 points room in bank nifty future , same for silver or gold etc highly volatile instruments.
Now the mantra is "never turn profit into loss" , so , we try to trail stop loss towards entry level as and when ever we get opportunity to do so and you need to follow our follow up messages strictly.
Do not think every day magic is possible in day trading competitive world , but making some money on consistent basis is the best possibility on a consistent basis.
We will be waiting for the right time to take the right entry with stop loss , you also need to learn waiting for the right time with us as our esteemed client member.
Money is not flying every time in any market , so be prepared to take action when ever we are advising to en cash a particular profitable trading opportunity or trade able sure move.
Our another mantra is "eat fresh but eat every day". (making money every day by day trading with our sure shot intraday tips).
As professionals we will en cash good moves if there is good move in the particular instrument you are trading with us.
Last but not least , please try to understand that every move is not trade able by us as we are also humans , not the Almighty God.
Lets come and join hands with us for a fruit full long term relationship.
We need your blessings and cooperation to walk a long way together.
With best regards from TradeLiving (team)
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